We're almost 2 weeks into the New Year, how's it going so far?
Our wonderful contributors at Advocare have some things to say about New Year's resolutions. You can read about them on our blog SupplementalScience.com and I have posted them here:
Making a New Year’s Resolution is a practice followed by millions of Americans at this time of year. The most popular ones seem to repeat year after year - you can probably guess what they are (and maybe you made some of these yourself):Lose weight
Manage debt
Quit smoking
Eat right
Reduce stress
Such resolutions have the potential to change our lives in dramatic ways, but remaining committed to them throughout the year(s) can be difficult. Here are some tips to help you stay on track:
Try again. Everyone has made, and broken past resolutions, that does not mean that you won’t succeed this time. Start with a positive approach, including thinking about what has disrupted your good intentions in the past. Don’t discourage yourself with a negative outlook.
Don’t make too many resolutions. Trying to eat better, exercise more, quit smoking, and reduce stress is too much to tackle at once. Pick a realistic, attainable goal with a reasonable time frame.
Choose your own resolution. Make sure this is something that you want to accomplish for yourself and not for friends or family. When you attain the goal they will benefit from your success as well.
Make a plan and write it down. Plan what you’d like to accomplish in three or six months. Achieving small goals over time gives you a sense of accomplishment and motivation to keep going. Writing your goals down is a good way to keep track of your progress.
Involve friends and family. They can support your efforts, and can motivate you to keep going. Setting a personal goal is not a “promise” which can never be broken. Don’t paint yourself into a corner by overstating what can be a realistic change you plan to make.
Forgive yourself. If you get off track, don’t think that you failed. Review your plan and make adjustments.
Congratulate yourself. Reward yourself when your intermediate goals or resolutions are met.
The most important point to consider when deciding on your resolutions is to decide if you are truly willing to make the change in your life. Deciding to make the change just to have a resolution will not keep you motivated to attain your goal. Many people fail because they are afraid or don’t fully realize how the goal can benefit their every day lives.
When you decide on your resolution, make a plan of action and list the ways it will improve your life. When you can see the prize, you are more likely to keep up the fight.
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