It's Black Friday, and the only shopping I'd planned on doing is online.I have a list of things I want to get done today. So I need to start early with my Spark, Max Energy and a Meal Replacement Shake.
My Little Sidekick has a playdate this afternoon. I'll be on my own once I drop her off. I had fully intended to come straight home to finish my list - and pick up, do laundry, clean the house. But as I was driving past the Mall ...
There was absolutely no parking space at the Mall. But I went across to Michaels to pick up a few things. And my girlfriend had called earlier to let me know that Talbot's was having a BIG sale. So I stopped in there to see what I could find.
Now, I really like Talbot's, especially when they have a sale, but it's tough to find something that looks right on me. Their clothes just are not made for women built like me. I'm kinda long waisted and a little more curvey. And I wasn't really ready for shopping - ponytail, no make up, sneakers. But I do have a Snack Bar & a Jingle Slam. Recharge. I am determined to find everyday wear from someplace other than Academy.
So I pick a few things off the rack - hmm, too big. Next size - still kinda loose. I am down 2 dress sizes?!
I'm really suprised and this is rather significant, because I have not lost alot of weight. I haven't been dieting or exercising like a fiend either. Of course I pay attention to what I eat, and I stay active but it's nothing special.
I believe that being able to trim down is because I've continued with my daily habits that I learned during Commit2Fit. The most important of those habits has been eating 5 small 200 - 300 calorie meals across the day, each including at least 20 grams of protein. The Meal Replacement Shakes for breakfast and an afternoon snack of Vanilla Muscle Gain and Peaches & Cream fiber drink really have been helpful. Of course CorePlex and Probiotic Restore in my MNS are fundamental. But all that protein really has kept my muscles strong and upped my metabolism while the Catalyst has helped me keep the muscle while I burn fat. I'm sure that's why I have lost dress sizes but not really lost weight.
Hey, I don't care what the scale says, 'cuz I am walking out of a clothing store lookin' good in something other than sweatpants.
Of course we all know the products work, you just need to figure out what combination works best for you. Bonus, the money that I make wth the Advocare opportunity is the reason I am able to spend 3 hours shopping in the middle of a weekday afternoon.
Today is a very happy day.
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