I'll never capitalize cancer

I have alot going on in my life, more than just cancer and chemo. Sure it's a big part of my life right now, but it's not the most important part of my life. You will never see me spell it with a capital "c".

I'm a Wife and Mom. I love my Family. I have good Friends. We do fun stuff and dumb stuff and sometimes we argue and then we laugh again. We go to work and to the grocery store and we go swimming and have birthday parties and get ready for the first day of school.

I keep saying that I don't want ovarian cancer to define me, but sometimes I just can't help it.

A good friend put it this way for me "cancer may be defining your life for the moment, but it is not your entire life. You seem to just make time for it." That made me feel better.

If you want to see it from the beginning, my cancer story begins in March.

The rest of my story is happening now.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

90 Days to Success with Coach Wade

Wed Oct 8 830P CST

Another great Webinar that you can join from anywhere that you have an internet connection and a phone signal. Even if you cannot get online, dial in for the audio.

Register Here

If you are serious about Advocare or even curious. You don't want to miss the chance to be trained by one of the most successful Business Builders in the World of Advocare.

Coach Wade was one of the 1st to build a Million Dollar Legacy not to mention he walked the Earth with our founder Charlie Ragus. It is like been trained By Charlie himself as Coach Wade shares from the journals he kept while learning from the best.

The seminar will be open to questions at the end.

If you would like to participate you will need to log on as well as call in. LEADERS PLEASE FORWARD TO YOUR TEAM and YES YOU CAN INVITE ANYONE TO OUR TRAININGS.