I'll never capitalize cancer

I have alot going on in my life, more than just cancer and chemo. Sure it's a big part of my life right now, but it's not the most important part of my life. You will never see me spell it with a capital "c".

I'm a Wife and Mom. I love my Family. I have good Friends. We do fun stuff and dumb stuff and sometimes we argue and then we laugh again. We go to work and to the grocery store and we go swimming and have birthday parties and get ready for the first day of school.

I keep saying that I don't want ovarian cancer to define me, but sometimes I just can't help it.

A good friend put it this way for me "cancer may be defining your life for the moment, but it is not your entire life. You seem to just make time for it." That made me feel better.

If you want to see it from the beginning, my cancer story begins in March.

The rest of my story is happening now.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Breaking News

I just got some news - Due to Hurricane Gustav, we had some schedule changes and Advocare's Marketing bus "the AdvoBus" will be in Lake Charles Thursday & Friday from 10A–5P at Anytime Fitness 630 W Prien Lake Rd

There will be plenty of ice cold Spark to try and you can find out more about products that have helped our family have more energy, lose weight and just feel better.

Oh yeah, I have been able to make enough money with Advocare, that I was able to quit my job, take my daughter out of daycare, and still work on paying off our debt. I will be in Lake Charles Friday, call or email me if you are coming by.

It will be fun and definitely worth your time.

I will be in Lake Charles Friday. Let me know if you will be coming by.